Understanding the December 2024 Pension Payment: $987.70 + $28.30 – Eligibility, Payment Dates, and Process Explained

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The December 2024 Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments are set to provide financial support to millions of Americans. If you’re expecting a $987.70 Social Security payment and an additional $28.30 SSI supplement, it’s important to know the details about eligibility, payment dates, and how to manage these benefits effectively.

Breakdown of December 2024 Payments

  • Social Security Payment: $987.70
  • SSI Supplementary Payment: $28.30
    These figures represent the monthly benefits from Social Security and SSI programs, both overseen by the Social Security Administration (SSA). The SSA’s mission is to ensure eligible individuals receive financial assistance to maintain stability, whether they’re retirees, disabled, or in need of a program like SSI.

Social Security Payments ($987.70)

Social Security payments are primarily determined by your earnings history. These benefits are a crucial source of income for many retirees, individuals with disabilities, and their families. The 2024 average monthly payment is approximately $1,827, but your specific amount will depend on your work history.

Supplemental Security Income ($28.30)

SSI is a needs-based program designed to assist individuals who are aged, blind, or disabled and have limited income or resources. While the federal base for SSI is $914 in 2024, additional payments may be issued based on state contributions or other special circumstances.

December 2024 Payment Schedule

SSA follows a regular schedule for distributing payments. For December 2024, payments will be disbursed as follows:

  • December 3, 2024: Beneficiaries who began receiving Social Security before May 1997 or those receiving both Social Security and SSI.
  • December 11, 2024: Individuals born between the 1st and 10th of any month.
  • December 18, 2024: Beneficiaries with birth dates between the 11th and 20th.
  • December 24, 2024: Individuals born between the 21st and 31st (early payment due to holiday).
  • December 31, 2024: SSI recipients will receive their January 2025 payment early due to the New Year’s holiday.

Why Some Payments Are Early in December

Federal holidays like Christmas and New Year’s Day often lead to early payment dates. The SSA adjusts the schedule to ensure that payments are received on time, even when holidays may disrupt the usual processing schedule.

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